How to Reduce Snoring for a Better Night's Sleep

on 19 July 2024 .

Do you find yourself having restless nights and interrupted sleep? Snoring, often overlooked, can significantly impact your sleep quality and overall well-being. The Mayo Clinic describes snoring as a sound produced by the vibration of relaxed tissues in your throat as you breathe. While snoring happens to anyone, it can be a recurring issue for some people and may indicate a serious health condition. Additionally, it can also be frustrating for your sleeping partner. 

But don't worry, there are simple yet effective ways to deal with this problem. In this article, we will discuss some practical solutions to reduce snoring and make your sleep experience better, ensuring that you start each day refreshed and rejuvenated.

Sleep on Your Side

One of the easiest ways to stop snoring is by changing your sleeping position. Research suggests that sleeping on your side can significantly reduce snoring frequency and intensity. When lying on your back, your tongue falls to the back of your throat, which can obstruct airflow. Conversely, when positioning yourself on your side, your tongue does not fall backwards and promotes better airflow through your airways, minimising the likelihood of snoring throughout the night. If you end up on your back in the middle of the night, one tip you can implement is to sew a tennis ball to the back of your pyjama top to stop yourself from turning in your sleep. You should also consider investing in a supportive pillow that provides appropriate neck support so you can sleep comfortably on your side.

Elevate Your Head

Another effective technique to alleviate snoring is elevating your head by around four inches. This keeps your airways open, preventing the collapse of soft tissues in the throat that often leads to snoring. Consider using a specially designed neck support pillow to maintain proper head elevation throughout the night. This simple adjustment can make a world of difference in snoring relief and help to promote uninterrupted sleep.

Happy Beautiful Young Woman Drinking Water

Stay Hydrated

Believe it or not, dehydration can exacerbate snoring problems. When you're dehydrated, the secretions in your nose and soft palate become stickier, leading to congestion and increased snoring. Healthy women need around 11 cups of water daily, while men require about 16 cups. A simple way to remain hydrated throughout the day is by drinking and consuming food that contains plenty of fluids. Hydration and snoring prevention go hand-in-hand, keeping your airways moist and helping to thin out mucus, reducing the likelihood of snoring during sleep. If you sleep with the air-conditioning unit turned on, it can help to have humidifiers in your room to make sure that the air does not dry out your nasal passages for better comfort and breathing.

Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Maintaining good sleep hygiene is vital for addressing snoring and improving your overall sleep quality. It's important to establish a consistent sleep schedule and bedtime routine to help tell your body that it's time to wind down and prepare for rest. Avoid consuming alcohol and heavy meals close to bedtime, as they can relax the muscles in your throat and contribute to snoring. What’s more, you can keep your bedroom environment conducive to sleep by eliminating noise, maintaining optimal temperature and humidity levels, and turning off electronic devices around two hours before your bedtime.

Change Your Pillows

Did you know that the type of pillow you use can significantly affect your snoring? If your pillow is too low or flat, it can cause your head to move backwards, potentially obstructing your airways. That is why it is recommended to use pillows that offer adequate support to your neck and head. You can look for pillows that are specifically designed to address snoring issues, such as those made of memory foam or adjustable in height. Purchasing the right pillow is one step towards minimising snoring and increasing your chances of enjoying a peaceful night's sleep. Beyond height, dust mites in your pillows can also cause allergic reactions, leading to snoring. Keep dust mites and allergens at bay by airing your pillows every week and replacing them every six months. 

Are you tired of snoring every night? You don't have to suffer anymore. Improve your sleep quality and overall well-being by making some simple lifestyle changes and incorporating snoring-reducing techniques into your nightly routine. If you're looking to buy new pillows, consider Dunlopillo for high-quality sleep products. We offer ergonomic pillows in various materials, including fibre, memory foam, and latex. Our pillows are hypoallergenic, anti-bacterial, and anti-dust mites, so you can shop with peace of mind. 

Visit our online store or drop by our Dunlopillo galleries throughout Singapore and experience the difference with our pillows today.

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